I was about to throw in the towel and then...

Hello Reader,

Happy New Year! I hope that as this email lands in your inbox, you are well in mind, body, and spirit.

2024 is here, and after what was quite the rollercoaster ride of 2023, I wasn't sure if I would keep holding space for brave leaders like you to grow more curious and confident as leaders.

Cue Story Time

See, last summer, I went on my own Audacious Leadership Journey. I ran for an elected office in Atlanta. After years of thinking about it and shying away, I made the commitment to run a race rooted in what I truly believed needed to happen in our schools. I spoke about things that other candidates simply were not saying for whatever reason. And sometimes it was really uncomfortable to do so.

Here I am, standing next to my yard signs.

This was after the last in-person forum for the election cycle.

On the campaign trail, I shifted the conversation, engaged with a ton of people, and garnered over 12,000 votes.

Yet, I came up short. I lost the election.

Losing is never easy but losing in front of tens of thousands of people...

I was fully prepared to walk around Atlanta in disguise for the rest of forever. Deactivate my social media pages and fade into the back.

And then. . .

😮 I ran into a gentleman at a coffee shop who told me he voted for me, that my message was inspiring, and how much the city needed my leadership.

🤩 A student asked me to take a picture with him because his mother voted for me, and it was the first time she ever voted.

😳 I was approached to run for another elected office because people believed in my leadership.

Why am I telling you this?

Because, even when it feels like you are losing or you actually lose that case, that client, that funder, etc. Even when it feels like no one is listening or like you are pushing for change all by yourself, someone is watching.

Someone is looking to you to lead the way.

As we enter into an election year, where many of the issues that matter to you, your community, and the causes you support are on the ballot, I want you to be prepared to lead your teams through what will likely be a polarizing, emotionally-charged ten months with clarity, confidence, and courage. So, to start, I am hosting a total free Audacious Leadership Chat next Tuesday, January 23, 2024:

I hope to chat with you soon.

To a bolder, more audacious 2024.

Lead Audaciously,

P.S. If you've been to an Audacious Leadership Chat before, you know the conversation and community are always top-notch. We have shifted our model a tad and are using a new platform - Crowdcast! Sign up and join us for this elevated experience.

P.P.S. Audacious Leader, it feels good to be back in community with you as we push for more change in our zones of influence. We are lifting off in 2024 with new resources that provide you with the space, strategy, and support you need to turn your audacious ideas into actionable steps that transform the world. If you are as passionate about educational equity as I am, I invite you to join The Edvocateur Newsletter, which focuses primarily on how we improve our education system NOW.

Hi! I'm Nkoyo. | Career & Leadership Strategist

I help social impact leaders turn their audacious ideas into actionable steps that generate revenue, engage key stakeholders, and transform the world. #LeadAudacious

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email icon that says lead audaciously

Happy New Year, Reader! Welcome to Lead Audaciously™️ - a monthly newsletter for committed change makers. I am thrilled that you are here. Why? Because, the world needs more leaders willing to do the heart things that change the world. This is your space to dream bigger and implement bolder so that the community and causes you support feel the impact of your work. Each month, you are going to get the information and tools you need to lead with integrity, innovate ethically, and expand your...